Cozy Bedroom Decorating with Stylish Gray Colors by Blalank Studio

gray color and reclaimed wood for interior design

Bedroom decorating ideas, incorporating stylish and cozy reclaimed wood furniture and gray colors, are designed by Blalank Studio. Trendy bedroom decorating in industrial style is softened with comfortable brown colors and neutral gray color tones, creating warm atmosphere and filling the room with optimistic mood.


Reclaimed wood furniture and rustic wood shelves look harmonious and natural, adding softness to cold concrete walls in gray colors. Reclaimed wood desk, bed headboard, storage trunk, interior door. wall shelves and cabinet emphasize the simplicity while adding unique accents to modern bedroom decorating in industrial style.

Reclaimed furniture, home decorations and interior doors made of salvaged wood and rustic pieces are modern trends in home decorating that enhance the eco friendly design and decor ideas.

Bedroom wallpaper in black, white and gray, accent wall decoration

Light gray and yellow color scheme, calm fall decorating ideas

Bedroom decorating with gray colors and rustic wood

gray color and reclaimed wood for interior design
Brown and gray colors, combined with reclaimed furniture and rustic wood pieces, used for modern bedroom decorating in industrial style
gray wall paint with white picture frames
Gray wall paint and white picture frames decorate concrete walls

Contrary to popular opinion, gray colors do not depressing if combined with warm wood furniture and brown colors. Elegant and calming gray colors are an excellent way to create a stylish backdrop for modern bedroom decorating ideas, interesting home furnishings and accents.

Soft white and creamy yellow color shades create beautiful contrasting color combinations with gray colors. Gray walls and white ceiling design, rustic and salvaged wood furniture and delicious creamy yellow color tones make inviting and stylish bedroom decorating.

wood desk and shelf on concrete wall
Rustic wood brown colors and gray color combination for stylish bedroom decorating

The white ceiling design increases the height of the space, adding pleasant sensation of airy room to bedroom decorating in industrial style.


These attractive bedroom decorating ideas were found on

Wood furniture and bedroom decor accessories for room decorating with concrete walls

  Posted: 26.10.2012 by Decor4all

