Pumpkins are the main symbols of Halloween. Bright orange pumpkins symbolize the harvest time, the evil spirits and the fire that scares them. For many centuries Jack-o-lanterns lit in homes, scaring away evil spirits. Handmade of fabrics and paper pumpkins are a great alternative for families with small kids and all who enjoy paper crafts or working with fabrics.
Instead of looking for an ideal pumpkin shape and size, make the perfect pumpkin for your Halloween home decorating. Handmade pumpkins look charming and very personal, offering great gifts and Halloween party decorations. Paper mache, all home fabrics and old newspapers or magazines are great materials for making symbolic Halloween decorations for your home.
Most people, when they think of Halloween decorations, think of carving pumpkins. Carving pumpkins is fun, but sometimes a pumpkin looks prettier decorated with beads, ribbons, paint and handmade decorations. There are many different and attractive ways to decorate pumpkins, but making fantastic pumpkins of fabrics and paper created Halloween decorations that last for many years.
Halloween decorating ideas
Fall decorating ideas, Thanksgiving and Halloween yard decorations
Halloween decorating with pumpkins, Halloween decorations for home and yard
Craft ideas for handmade Halloween decorations

Here is a collection of 10 simple and beautiful pumpkins made of fabric leftovers and recycled paper. These Halloween decorations widen possibilities to design unique Halloween decorating ideas for your home and create an unforgettable memories while showing your talents.
The collections is amazing and inspiring, giving you ideas for original and very personal Halloween decorating, making friendly and safe pumpkins, perfect for young kids and adults who enjoy light and friendly Halloween decorations.

Modern Halloween decorating ideas for kids, Halloween party decorations
Making pillows pumpkins of decorative fabrics, bright fall craft ideas
Posted: 19.10.2012 by Decor4all