Beautiful wallpapers, called Brooklyn Tins, create a gorgeous line of faux wallpapers that are available for purchasing and ceiling or wall decorating with unique designs and charming vintage style. Unique, photo-realistic modern wallpapers are based on Victorian press-tin ceilings that were so popular in Victorian New York.
Beautiful wallpapers are digitally printed onto non-woven paper and look like tin ceilings, surprising and delighting the viewer with antique like designs.
These modern wallpaper patterns are available the Wallpaper Collective in the US and Rockett St George in the UK. Pressed tin came to North America as a lower priced option to the plasterwork used in Europe. New wallpaper patterns bring back the trend of pressed tin ceilings, that were popular during the Victorian era.
Modern wallpaper patterns
Modern wallpaper patterns, trees and branches
Beautiful wallpapers with leaves, modern wall decor in eco style
Beautiful wallpapers, romantic vintage wallpaper patterns
Tin ceiling wallpaper patterns
These beautiful wallpapers are perfect decorating ideas forĀ those who love vintage decor and unique decorative details. If you like the tin ceilings in apartments and feel that it is very American, then you will appreciate that these modern wallpaper patterns can be your now.
The wallpaper patterns will transform your ceiling designs, adding more fun and creative design to your interior decorating. Whether your apply the wallpaper to your walls or ceilings, interior design will look fantastic.
Posted: 17.09.2012 by Decor4all