Pebbles Carpet is an attractive indoor carpet made out of stone pebbles sown one by one between two layers of synthetic fabric. This floor carpet is unusual and functional. The floor rug hides real pebbles inside and is excellent for massaging your feet and training foot muscles, improving health and mood.
The floor rugĀ has an appearance of being light weight and soft, but is heavy and firm because of the pebbles hidden inside. Walking on the bumpy floor rug surface creates a new sense of unexpected excitement as one is forced to walk slowly, while fully concentrated and balanced.
The floor rug created by designer Neora Zigler is a unique modern floor decor accessory that add natural charm to interior decorating. The floor rug made with real pebbles provides a calming and soothing massage experience and a pleasant sensation, achieved while one walks or lays on the carpet.
Modern rug design, contemporary rugs and floor decor styles
Contemporary floor decor ideas, the charm of antique oriental rugs
Floor rug with pebbles
The floor rug from Neora Design, 426113261570685698.weebly.com/pebbles-carpet.html is inspired by simple and meaningful traditions in Eastern cultures.
The clean, aesthetic and minimalist qualities of nature inspires modern floor decor accessories that provide a sense of calm inside a home.
Pebbles Carpet is a great inspiration for a craft project. Making beautiful and functional floor decor accessory and adding a surprising and functional item to interior decorating is a nice and inexpensive way to enrich your home decor.
Sculptured contemporary rugs, modern floor decor ideas
Italian textiles and fabric prints inspired by Eastern floor rugs and kilims
Floor rugs made with pebbles are interesting handmade gift ideas that will delight your family members or friends.
Posted: 11.04.2012 by Decor4all