Recycling old shoes and boots for plants and flowers containers offer inspiring and creative DIY projects for outdoor rooms decorating. Shoes and boots are excellent material for unique garden decorations that add fun and whimsical design to your deck or porch design, front yard or backyard ideas.
Planters made of old shoes and boots look interesting and cute, bringing fresh forms and different texture into outdoor decor, creating unusual porch or garden design, front yard or backyard decorating.
Here are 20 bright ideas for designing unique garden decorations with old shoes and boots in various sizes and colors. You can use sneakers and tennis shoes, rain boots and stilettos.
String Garden decorations, vertical gardens and backyard ideas
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The combination of planters made of tea cups, tea kettles, watering cans, shoes and boots creates even more interesting collection.
Handmade garden decorations add fun and creative design to front yard or backyard ideas. Planters made of old shoes and boots look gorgeous in sun rooms, on porches, balconies, stone fences and stairs.
You can use small planters for growing plants and flowers ad keep them inside shoes or boots. It is a convenient way to decorate fences, doors and walls with hanging planters made of old shoes or boots.
Outdoor garden decorations made of old wooden ladders
Beautiful floral arrangements and yellow color combinations
Plastic shoes are excellent for decorating outdoor rooms, staircases, pathways and flower bed corners. It is easy to make holes in plastic footwear and make wonderful containers for plants and flowers.
Rain boots, especially kids rain boots, look especially cute with plants and flowers. Rain boots in bright colors are perfect garden decorations that create cheerful and playful atmosphere.
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Recycling old shoes and boots for planters and making unique garden decorations with plants and flowers are fun DIY projects.
Simple ways to reuse and recycle old footwear help declutter your home and create charming outdoor decor that will surprise and delight your family and guests, brightening up your backyard ideas.
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Posted: 11.04.2012 by Decor4all