Simple party decorations ideas from designers and decorators offer nice and cheap ways to add festive designs to rooms and outdoor spaces, and create bright atmosphere for your party. A garland on the wall with colorful flags, made of vinyl wall stickers in different colors, are bright party decorations and ideas for crafts.
Decals and vinyl wall stickers are easy to remove and change. Decals and vinyl wall stickers are good material for easy crafts, creating flags and interesting designs for your party decoration or just adding more fun to room decor.
Garlands with flags by Aina Bestard can be colored and attached to your empty walls, creating attractive party decor in no time. Designed for Der Klein Salon, this garland with flags is a great room decorating idea for making adults or kids party decor bright, personal and unforgettable.
Halloween party decorations for adults, green or orange with black table decor
New Year Eve party table centerpieces
Garland with flags wall sticker
Little colored flags are perfect wall decoration for all party moments, birthdays, holidays and special events. Available in black, light blue and pink colors, the garland with flags is an easy to color, attach or remove wall decoration, that cost 25 Euros.
If you are tired of your old lampshade, collecting dust, or just want to add something bold to your party decor ideas, simple handmade unique lighting fixtures is a great and cheap home decorations that will dramatically transform your rooms or outdoor spaces, making a strong statement and adding more color to party decorations and ideas.
Unique lighting fixture
Handmade lighting fixtures made of colorful plastic or wooden balls is perfect for adding bold final touch to adults or kids party decor ideas.
Decorative fabrics in bright solid colors, summer party table decoration
Halloween party decorations, Mad Tea Party decorating theme
Making these lighting fixtures requires a little imagination and a good sense of humor. Colorful plastic Easter egg shells, large beads and even various wooden pieces, painted bright colors are wonderful material for making these lighting fixtures that will brighten up your rooms or outdoor space and add some charm to your party decor ideas.
Posted: 27.05.2012 by Decor4all