Modern sofas usually show up in rectangular shapes or a L-shape. Rectangles are great geometric shapes that fit perfectly in square and rectangular rooms. Modern sofas in rectangular shapes are great space saving ideas for decorating small rooms and large interiors. Round sofas look very different, unusual and soft. Decor4all shares a collection of interior decorating ideas that demonstrate how to arrange room decor items and a round sofa and create stylish room decor.
A round sofa can be placed in the middle of the room to create a stunning centerpiece and a focal point for interior decorating. A round sofa can add color and texture and jazz up room decor with unusual and original round design. Round sofas are an easy and decidedly more diverse way to round out room decor with just a few home furnishings. A round sofa makes room decor appear interesting and stylish.
Round sofas come in basic circles and round segments. Contemporary round sofas vary far differently from the traditional rectangular and round shapes, surprising with a combination of different shapes that can be created with modular furniture items, ottomans and coffee tables. Round sofas bring unconventional geometric shapes into home furnishing and add an interesting accents to classic or modern room decor.
Beautiful and modern living room sofa in black leather
Interior decorating with round sofas

Perfect for large living spaces, round sofas add something new and distinctive to room decor and make interior decorating look original and luxurious.
Round sofas are ideal for round rooms or very large bedrooms, family rooms, home theaters and living rooms. Round sofas work well with centrally located, especially suspended from the ceiling or built-in the floor fireplace designs. Round sofas look fabulous in theĀ middle of the living room, offering a creative way to unify room decor, furniture and decorative accents.

A round coffee table or ottoman work best with a round sofa that show off its unusual and unique shape. Round sofas and coffee tables bring soft curvy lines into modern interior decorating and add spectacular accents to room decor in any style.
Living room furniture, interior trends in decorating with modern sofas ans chairs
Unique furniture design idea, Cactus sofa and footrest
Crescent-shaped rugs, or half-moon rugs, and round rugs are great alternative to rectangular area rugs when decorating with a round sofa. These rugs emphasize the softness of a round sofa and compliment room decor ideas with a matching color and an amazing texture. Flower-shaped area rugs are another alternative to add nice accents to interior decorating with a round sofa.

Posted: 28.07.2014 by Decor4all