Decorating Colors

Bravo Chair design is developed by a young Dutch designer for providing some rest during long study sessions. Curvy wooden chair backrest with a soft red cushion looks cozy and provides a comfortable position for a quick rest or just changing the body position for taking…

Minimalist style appeared in Europe between the 20s and 40s and got popular in the 40s. Interior design in minimalist style reflected the deficit of building and decorating materials, furniture, decor accessories, lighting fixtures and household items after the World War II. The fundamental principle of…

Unique vintage camera pillows are quite unusual and interesting decorative accessories, inspired by camera designs. Original photographs printed on canvas make beautiful fabric for making decorative pillows for sofas and chairs, adding character and charm of vintage style to your room decor. Old vintage camera pillows…

Blue color is one of modern interior trends that bring rich color shades into modern homes. Traditional and contemporary floral designs in blue color look gorgeous and exclusive. British designer Tricia Guild combines rich and soft blue color shades with golden yellow, pink , purple and…

Modern office furniture set from Italian designer Roberto Lazzeroni includes a writing table in black and ginger brown colors and a chair that adds the charm of retro furniture to office decor. The modernĀ  office furniture pieces are created for Poltrona Frau, an Italian furniture manufacture…

White decorating ideas are timeless, bright and elegant. White paint creates the perfect background for light kitchen decorating with colorful accents. White decorating ideas work well with any other color, creating sophisticated contrasts with black, tender color combinations with pastel colors and energetic interior decorating with…

Felted lamp shades for modern lighting fixtures are beautiful, warm and inspiring works of designer Dana Bachar. Felted lamps collection is a result of exploring various ways of joining two materials: felted wool and metal. Modern lighting fixtures made of these two natural materials which play…

Unique furniture set from 56th Studio are incredible and bright. Simpsons chair set looks bold, humorous and playful. Unique furniture design ideas are innovative and entertaining, making kids and adults smile and talk about popular characters that inspired these designer chairs in optimistic and sunny yellow…

White decorating with yellow color accents and space saving contemporary apartment ideas from German architect Gerd StrengĀ  are sunny, comfortable and optimistic. Stair Case Study House 01 design is a concept of modern house that celebrates strong color contrasts created with crispy white and yellow color…

Apartment ideas from European interior decorator Marina Putilovskaya are inspired by bright personality of her customer. Sumptuous interior decorating ideas are perfect for a successful, energetic and elegant woman who successfully balances her professional career and active personal life. Delicious and seducing like chocolate, apartment ideas…